TYSM Radio
I arrived back in England in March and into the first National lockdown I had ever seen. I’d spent the Winter in Morocco and after being away for nearly 7 months there were loads of things that I was looking forward to doing. Seeing friends, going to the pub, festivals, dancing to name a few! Overnight these freedoms were abruptly taken away and replaced with a time of unprecedented isolation and restriction.
In the face of all of this I decided to start presenting a radio show and began streaming live from the back of my van using my music studio setup. The Yellow Sound Machine (TYSM) Radio was born. The first show was really fun and people seemed to enjoy it so I decided to keep doing it.

Initially I streamed out over a public IP address using VLC Media player.

Technically this worked but it was a bit tricky for people to join and listen. Luckily after a few shows my friend Fayaaz got in touch and asked if I wanted to host the show onto his internet radio station, quarantine.fm. I happily took him up on the offer.

Streaming to a proper media server turned out to be much easier than broadcasting over my public IP address and I could now broadcast video along with my usual audio stream. This was a great addition and allowed people to see me in the studio while I was chatting rubbish and spinning tunes.

Since then I’ve been streaming a show every few weeks with the latest music that I’m enjoying plus music from any other genre that I feel like playing. Basically anything goes. I also host a chat over on Discord (https://discord.gg/ErZd4UU) where people can make requests and chat.
I’ve archived most of my previous shows on the Radio page of my site so you can listen back or download them if you’d like.
Come and join me for my next show, I promise it won’t be boring!