Domfront II
I stayed in Domfront for two nights, although unfortunately not in the same place. I had a bit of an issue with my water tank. I’d basically forgotten to flush it through since it had been installed so was probably full of plastic and gunk and it was giving me stomach cramps when I drank the water from it. When I examined the water more closely I could see loads of white and black bits floating around, not very nice!
I decided that I should fill the tank with a weak bleach solution (a solution of 50ppm of bleach which equated to just 60ml bleach for the whole tank) and leave it for 12 hours before flushing it through with clean water. Clearly I couldn’t do this in a field so I headed for the nearest campsite.
The first site was closed for the season but the owner pointed me towards the ‘Municiple de Camping’ which had facilities to fill and dump waste water. Perfect! I arrived and had a quick look outside, I could see a tap but there was a charge of 1 Euro 50 to use this. I had a peek inside and it looked dead, were they even open? I didn’t see anyone camped there or anyone in the office. I rang the buzzer. After some incomprehensible French the gates opened.
I parked up and and immediately took advantage of the water points to fill the tank. Now I had to wait 12 hours so I decided the best bet would be to stay the night on the site. It was nice, there were proper toilets and free, unlimited WiFi. I took the opportunity to do a rather hefty update on the SatNav and added all the service stations with LPG filling facilities as a Point of Interest (from here).
I was a bit annoyed that I had to stay on a campsite just two days into my travels but it was definitely worth it to get the water tanks and SatNav sorted. It was also nice to regroup a bit and take advantage of the free WiFi to send some emails and get software updated. I also took the chance to do some night photography. I’ve never really taken proper photos before and since I had just bought a nice DSLR, I thought I should have a play. You can see the results over in the Photos section.