As I neared the coast I saw on the map a small road that seemed to run along the length of the coast past several small villages. I decided to drive to this road and turn the SatNav off and just see where I ended up. It was a fairly overcast day but the scenery was gorgeous. I drove for about 20 minutes until I found a sign that read Playa de Vega, a beach! I followed the sign down a small lane and ended up in a tiny village. The roads were really small and steep and it didn’t look like I should be able to drive down them.

The first thing I noticed were these really interesting structures (later I found out they were called Horreos – pronounced Orio, like this biscuit). Like small houses balanced on four stone pillars, they really didn’t look very stable but looked very old so I guess they were.

I followed the signs to the beach and found a great camping spot. The front of the van is facing rolling, green mountains and the back, a long, sandy beach.

The weather wasn’t great when I arrived but it’s been sunny for a week now and i really like it here. There are a few other vans parked up it’s nice to have neighbours for a while, it’s like a small community down here!